Red is also a qualified motorbike license instructor, approved Motorcycling Australia Coach and one of our guides on tour. He’s a gentleman and always looks at the big picture, regardless of the situation he’ll have a cool head and a good plan.


 Seriously, if you’ve got a zip tie and some gaffer tape, Red will get you going again.

If you’ve got some tools, all the better, but I’ve seen him change a rear mousse tube with a coke can, a stick and his teeth. Grrrrr!

Red has also been tackling the Kamfari, year in and year out. It’s one of Australia’s hardest and longest running enduros, with a history of more than 50 years.

Red’s first efforts years ago were dismal, but he’s worked on his fitness and skills and is now one of the strongest finishers every year, with 2021 being his best.
